Monday, March 19, 2007

our first post...

we are gilmore-girl wannabe(s)...the quick wit, the fast talking...yeah, we love it. more importantly, i guess i relish the close relationshp between rory and lorelei. if you've never seen the show, you'll get hooked. it's quirky, funny yet smart, and real. i think taylor and i are kind of like that...or at least we're working on it.

Sup my home skillet biscuits? nothin' much goin' on down here in lill old Wav town. This is Tay and u know it. <-Taylor
(dear God, why is she writing this crap? i thought it would be inspirational, or something) <- Julie
No I am kiddding I really don't talk like that. I play softball, volleyball, and in my freetime I play Basketball ( but not for the schools team.). I have a 3 year old cat named Smokey Joe (or as reffered to by my grandpa Roger "Stormy"). Me and my mom spend all of our time together and never miss an opportunity to embarrass on another. We are like best friends. We talk about anything we want to. It is just me and her in the house because my parents were divorced when I was 10 years old. My dad is re-married and lives only 20 minuets away. i think that is pretty good compared to some kids who have to travel a long way to see their parents. I am very lucky also because my parents aren't like some divorced couples who can't stand each other. my parents will talk to each other without getting mad at one another. my step mom is awsome. My brothers are a little differant. My little bro Chase listen to al of this rap music that gets on my nerves all of the time. My older bro Michael doesn't talk at all. He is very quite and stays in his room all day. He is a senior in HS and is graduating this year and going to Wright State ( I think???) Well I will stop typing now. Bye from Taylor and Julie. P.S. Gilmore Girls ROCK!!!

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